Sunday, December 25, 2016

Arian Behzadi


American Artist Arian Behzadi displays a very interesting perspective on collages throughout his art works. Astonishingly composed images with chromatic warm color he uses construct his self art style, which is a definitely a shining spot that makes him an great collage artist. Although he does not actually have a traditional art school background , he really produces something phenomenal out of his mind.

Some of his collages contain pictures of characters or settings from different   movies-like movie posters in form of collage.Based on Alfred Hitchcock's Rear   Window, this is, I personally think, a very representative piece of Arian     Behzadi's color using and composition in his art-chromatic yellow as the       background with the black that spread out from the edge.

There are also some interesting collages combining human figures which are kind of blended with the background very peacefully, instead of using chromatic color that may enhance contrast.




Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Fake news


It would be completely understandable if anyone post some type of humorous stories publicly.Actually people do that all the time. Fake news were every where since we have developed our virtual world through the internet. Back to past when human receive information from newspaper, radio or television, it's technically easy to find out whatever new.
Things have became a little more complicated since we got the internet so-greatly developed. Fake news fill the world, and it's pretty tricky to spot it.
Some sites which are full of typical fake news try to pass themselves off as real facts, usually consist of various details of what it's trying to describe and, obviously, fantastic headlines and shocking content like "President got assassinated." etc. That was a pretty conspicuous one.
Fake news has been exist all the way through the virtual world history. There are always fake news written out hilariously on social media--and they cause trouble absolutely. Majority of fake news are possibly based on the prediction of the future--but they are written and comes out as facts instead of predictions. That said, misunderstandings are commonly seen today.