Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Art of Human form.

Bill Wu

Romina Ressa's photography perfectly uses figures, especially the face part of human, for her illustration. She combines surrealism elements with unique artefacts (like traditional beauty) into her photography.

This one somehow includes some oriental elements.

Benjamin Zank's body illustrations are very inspired to me not only because of   his manifold expressions and unique view of modern surrealism but also his     combination of surrealism and human figure.

His sense of space is also remarkable.


  1. I like these photos by Romina Ressa. The first is my favorite. It looks like it could be a quirky Vogue photoshoot. I enjoy the way the squares and pattern frames the face. I also find the photo of the yellow street line going over the person on the steps interesting. It does not move to the persons every curve like it moved with the steps, but kind of jumped over, only touching the back and head. Like the person was something possibly considered too detailed for the yellow line to follow. Does it only go flat and curve around right angles? Maybe.

  2. That is not exactly how I would picture the death of Superman; it looks more like dead Mendeleev in a Supergirl costume. I don't really understand what the other pieces but they're still cool
