Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Photography phones.


Speaking of camera phones photography,  it is now universally accepted and attractive today. More and more people tend to use phones as their little handy camera instead of carrying actual cameras out.  It is really a progress on photography or it's actually destroying the aesthetics of photography?
The world is full of Instagram photos and imagines from different kinds of social media, and majority of them are taken by phones camera.  Photography reaches a very highly popular level currently, but things turn to the opposite when they reach the extreme sometimes.  Higher quantity but lower quality, might be the situation now in the area of digital art today, according to some people .
I personally consider phones photography to be a easy way, or, a sort of starting way of photography despite that I love taking my Goddamn digital camera, go hit the street, and I really think phone's lens is not satisfactory at all. But it's convenient. Today, as a quote from the article by Stuart Jeffries saying," People are taking lots of pictures but nobody's looking at them." "People snap away thinking." The problem is not about phones or social media but about how people use them. It depends on whether you regard your phone as your camera or just something that can post with Instagram.

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