Thursday, May 25, 2017

About me.


Majority of my work this year concentrate on the exploration of different materials apart from ink drawing. I found Photoshop might be a interesting media to combine the photography and the ink drawing of mine in the beginning of the year, consequently I pushed myself into the area of digital art; Meanwhile, I started to experiment with the fuji film camera I own to practice my photography technique. What photography brings me is a different and unique perspective of life. Inspiration comes through the lens is not only from everyday life but also originated in my mind; inspiration's born in the creativity, and camera functions as the recorder. Initially, I tried different set-up in my room without tripod and professional lighting; I shot a photo, put it into Photoshop and played around with it, which, I firmly believe, was a great experience for me. I was motivated to continue exploring on the field of digital and on the combination of my photography and my line drawing. Some of my work (mostly including photography and digital collages finished later in this school year) are displayed below.

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