Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Alex Webb brief


Alex Webb, one of my favorite American street photographers known for his magical composition he has been showing in his works, and he is a associate member of Magnum Photos as well. Webb documented the everyday life of suburb at southern United States with black-and-white films in the mid of '70s but he became famous when he began to use color films and went on trip to different countries for his works in 1978.
CUBA. 2001. Havana. Street scene
Webb wanders on the streets like all street photographers do, but he certainly have a sense of how to compose massive elements in one small frame. The Composition in every picture stands out strong and the each background itself is really interesting without the figure in the picture. Webb's photo always precisely capture the moment that is sort of surreal or super natural in the reality; the using of colors is absolutely dramatic (contrast of cold and warm tones).

2001. Istanbul. Outside of the Blue Mosque during Ramadan.

USA.1989. Fort Pierce, FL.


HAITI. 1987. Port-au-Prince. Elections

HAITI. 1986. Cite Soleil

PANAMA. 2004. Pinogana. Along the river.


  1. This is a really cool blog and I love the photographer as well. I wish you have done more than just showing his work. It is a really good photographer and he definitely has skills in photography. However, as for someone who doesn't know photography, it would be more informative if you put his intention in your blog, like what he is trying to express through his photography and the social issue that he tries to address.

  2. Nice blog, from your words I can see what exactly street photographers do. Also his works make me think a lot.

  3. Nice!the black and white old fashion style is so pretty!
