Wednesday, January 31, 2018



Giotto (Giotto Di Bondone) was an italian artist (most known for his painting) and an architect born in Florence and was considered to be one of the first artists in italian Renaissance. He worked during the period of italian Renaissance and his talent of art, especially for his painting, were highly prized and he also got paid by the commune of Florence for his skills.
Lamentation c.1305 by Giotto 
The painting piece above is one of Giotto's masterpieces named Lamentation Giotto painted for the Scrovegni Chapel, describing a emotional story of the lamentation of Christ. It's a fresco painting that involves Byzantines style; the figure of Christ seems to be the focal point for the entire piece, and the facial expression of every figure highly increases the emotional impact. What adds to the emotional effect would be the angels that flying above the dying Christ: their body movements are very dramatic.


  1. Your thoughts about this piece are very detailed and enjoyable to read. Good job.

  2. Your writing is very elaborate and intriguing!

  3. I love this piece and the story behind it. You can tell so much about what is happening by looking at the peoples faces.
