Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Edward Weston .brief.

Edward Weston is widely respected as an art photographer in 20th century who mainly focuses on photographing still life, portraits and human form artistically. Majority of black-and-white photographs are grainy and sharp focused, also a large numbers of his work are close-up shots: the images are extremely rich in details.

Weston's photography pieces have the texture of oil paintings in many ways if you look from distance; when looking more closely what really stands out the most is the subject itself. 


Weston's interest and his passionate about nature and form provides him the unique style of combining them together. From 1927-1930, Weston kept taking close-up shots from different nature subject in daily life like rocks, shells and vegetable (pepper and cabbage) ; he brought out the detailed texture of nature and was interpreted that he was trying to express the American lifestyle that emerged from California.

The most attracting factor in Weston's work would be the way he set up the subject; the pepper would be a great example-Weston presented the pepper in a uncanny form that transformed the pepper from a still life to a human form. It had the sense of motions and the curve really spoke a lot for human form. Also in general, it was really interesting for Weston's work that there was always a sort of absurdism in his pieces: the low key lighting, the oil texture and the uncanny forms of the subject.

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