Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Fauvism brief.

Fauvism is an art style usually expressed in painting with  extremely strident color and relatively wild brush works; being the very first movement of modern art in 20th century, the birth of Fauvism came from the inspiration from artists like Vincent Van Gogh, Georges Seurat and Paul Gauguin. The French word "Fauve" represents "wild beasts", which in some way explains the wild, uninhibited brush works and expressive colors used in fauvism painting. Henri Matisse was unquestionably a prominent figure in the development of fauvism; he was a draughtsman and was regarded as a representative figure of French painting, but initially he was considered as a Fauve depending on his work style.

Self-Portrait by Henri Matisse

Andre Derain is another French painter who is also the co-founder of Fauvism in the early 20th century with Henri Matisse; they worked together in 1905 through a couple of years and he later on shifted from fauvist palette to new classicism, which is a relatively more muted tone.

'Henri Matisse'  portrait by Andre Derain

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