Thursday, December 10, 2015

Grattage surrealism.

Grattage surrealism is a member of numerous techniques and skills in surrealistic art: It's a surrealist technique in painting in which (usually wet) paint is scraped off the canvas. It was employed by Max Ernst and Joan Miro. To some extent, the grattage process is sort of reminiscent of scraping an oiled surface in lithography---a method of planographic printing from a stone (or metal) surface. 
Grattage is ued in 20th century graphic art in Russia grattage under the name " grattographia" first used by M.V. Dobuzhinski. in his art works.
To some certain extent, grattage technique is pretty like the theory of block priinting.
Here are some grattage art works done by Max Ernst, the German-born 
Max Ernst, Celebes.(1921)

Max Ernst,Here everthing is floating.(1920)

 Here're some others.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

About dream.

About Dream.

Speaking of dream, some time my head just get a massive headache and feel sick when I get up, like I woke up with a hangover. Then some images brokenly shown up in mind, which are probably from my dream when I'm sleeping. Those are unreal,insubstantial,kind of illusory dreamland,containing surrealistic elements,possibly. Some of them express and associate with my daily life(as far as I can remember). The most impressive one that I've ever dreamed is a scene that my head turns into a furious monster,driving me to the ground,then it turns to dust.The image sticks in mind like a poison dart.

The picture shown above is a photography work by Silvia Grav, a female photographer from Madrid, Spain. Her surreal dreamy black and white images,photography works express beautiful,fascinating surrealistic dreamland by combining simple black and white and outstanding post production. Her works are impressive,attractive art work that expressed by many different materials. Classical digital art, I think.
Here're some other photography works.

The other artist that really impresses me with his works is Rodney Smith, a New York artist, photographer. His works kind of express "The modern times" in some interesting, vagarious way. Still based on black and white color style, but unlike Silvia Grav's noir,depressive photos, what his photography works express are more witty, humorous and active.