Monday, January 16, 2017

Álvaro Siza Vieira

About Boa Nova Tea House,Portugal

Álvaro Joaquim de Melo Siza Vieira, who's internationally known as Alvaro Siza and Siza Vieira in Portugal, is a Portuguese architect. Siza's prominent figure in architecture and his architecture works are recognized as a connection between the historical environment and the modern architecture structure. Alvaro Siza shows his respect particularly on the location where the construction is placed. That said, majority of those new architecture works went through his hand are relatively connects to the old, local tradition, therefore a lot of original elements are retained.

Construction set on the hillside, a very direct connection to the nature.

Boa Nova Tea House,Portugal, 1858-1961
Boa Nova Tea House which takes approximately 3 years and finished in 1961 would be a representative figure of Alvaro Siza's architectural style. The entire structure of the architecture is placed directly on the hillside, the unconventional design of the opening of windows and doors brings the nature skylight in and emphasized the connection between the interior and the outdoor landscape. The tea house blends with the land rocks surrounded softly. Growing out from the rocks, that will be it.

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