Monday, January 16, 2017

卢延光 (Lu YanGuang)

About line.

Chinese artist Lu Yangunag (born in 1948)is truly one of the outstanding artists of Chinese comic strip. He does particularly an great job on tackling with lines in his art pieces. Throughout his line drawing the strongest spot that immediately captures my attention is the quality and the movement of his line: very soft handling but also possess a pretty tough quality, like the waves in the ocean.

He's the first artist in China who uses the sharpie marker (which is originally for architecture sketching) to draw. Deeply inspired by English Illustrator Aubrey Beardsley, Lu has been working on developing his personal line structure and movement by absorbing Chinese cultural elements into black-and white ink drawing. Compare to Aubrey Beardsley's soft-quality, ambulatory line, Lu's pieces displays a more interesting composition and the firmness in lines. 

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